Saturday, June 26, 2010

Tis A Sad Day...

...for my Happy Birthday Garden-in-a-Bag. That sweet little Viola plant never stood a chance. They make it sound so easy with their 1-2-3 directions. It is not, my friends. I am here to tell you that it is NOT that easy.

Right: The Viola in its natural brown-bag habitat.

I followed steps 1 -3 to a T. I watched the brown bag anxiously. I'd never grown anything before, not since preschool when we grew some sort of green sprout in a styrofoam cup. And I had a total green thumb at that! A paper bag couldn't be that much different, could it? I'm sorry Viola, poor little "Viola Tricolor 'Helen Mount,'" I let you down at step 4. Watering. The seeds sprouted several nice tiny leaves. So fragile. Then, the watering. You'd think I'd be good at the watering. I hydrate myself like crazy, never without a water bottle within reach.So selfish. Why couldn't I learn to share?

I'm sorry Viola. I failed you. RIP "Viola Tricolor 'Helen Mount'" Happy Birthday Garden-In-A-Bag.

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