Tuesday, August 17, 2010

A Great Everyday Day

There is no real point or message for this post. Although, let's be honest, is there ever?

Turns out today was AWESOME. It was one of those great everyday days. You know what I'm talking about. Nothing particularly extraordinary happened...I didn't win anything, meet anyone famous, or make any life-changing decisions. It was just a good and pleasant day. And it went a little something like this.

Monday, August 9, 2010

True Love 4 Ever

I'm in love.
I'm in love with frozen yogurt and I don't care who knows it.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Don't Take Your Toilet Seat For Granted and Other Lessons I Learned in France

I'm baaaack. I am well-rested, well-fed, and ready to blog. I'm thinking this may even end up being a 2 post-a-day kind of a day. We'll see. I don't want to put the wine before the grapes if you know what I'm saying. (I don't think that French play-on-a-cliche works as well in writing as it did in my head.)

Before I get back to blog posts of great substance and importance, I thought I'd share a little of what I learned on my 9 day excursion.

1. Five years ago, when I lived in Italy for 4 months, I learned an important lesson: Don't take your toilet seat or your toilet paper for granted. Somehow, when I think back on my days in Italia and the Tuscan countryside, that lesson isn't in the forefront of my mind. However, after an 8 hour plane ride and 3 hour car ride, it suddenly came rushing back to me as we pulled over to a "public restroom" also known as a "hole in the ground" with four walls around it. T.M.I.? I don't think so. I think this is a lesson everyone should heed. Toilet seats are privileges and you don't know how much you will miss them until you can't have them anymore. Just like ice water.

2. You don't put ice in your beverages in France.