Tuesday, August 17, 2010

A Great Everyday Day

There is no real point or message for this post. Although, let's be honest, is there ever?

Turns out today was AWESOME. It was one of those great everyday days. You know what I'm talking about. Nothing particularly extraordinary happened...I didn't win anything, meet anyone famous, or make any life-changing decisions. It was just a good and pleasant day. And it went a little something like this.

So, I didn't wake up thinking today would be anything other than a regular everyday day. I had a dentist appointment on the agenda (nervous! eek!), a hair appointment, and obviously work thrown in the middle.

I went to work and there was fresh fruit in the breakroom! Score number one!

Then, I went to the dentist (again, eek!). First of all, he had every magazine EVER. For a magazine fanatic like me, this was fantastic. Some weren't up my alley (Motor Trend, Road & Track, Black Enterprise, Money, etc.) but it was impressive nonetheless. I was prepared to dive into Glamour and O when they called my name! What? I always have to wait for a while. Nope, not today on this great everyday day.

After work, I went to get my hair cut. My favorite. I will never have long hair because I love getting haircuts too much. They use all the fancy delicious smelling hair products that I can never afford. Did I mention that my salon is now in the same shopping center as a Pinkberry? Sooooo, obviously...

I went with a Coconut Cone. When I went to pay the cheerful PinkberryTeen said, "Would you like a Pinkberry Loyalty Card? If you can get 10 stamps, then you get a free small Pinkberry swirl!" If....if? Seriously, honey. You don't know who you're dealing with. I don't know if she meant it as a challenge but I'm game.

Pinkberry Cone in hand I ventured back to my apartment and checked my mail. Aw man, boring coupon flyer! BUT WAIT. What is outside my door? Could it be? Is it a 600 page InStyle that was so big they couldn't even fit it in my mailbox and had to deliver it to my door? It is. Indeed, it is.

I turn on my computer and the TV. Hmm, what will I watch tonight? There is a new episode of Weeds waiting for me. I didn't even know it was back on! Then, I finish Weeds (oh Botwin Family, you're always on the run). I channel surf and....it's back to back Glee reruns. Joyous day.

And that's the story of my totally great everyday day. Here's looking to tomorrow!

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